Showing posts with label history. Show all posts
Showing posts with label history. Show all posts

The connection between the 20 dollar bill and the attacks of 9/11 (American historical mysteries and coincidences)

1) Fold a new $ 20 dollar bill in half ...

2) Fold again, make sure you fold it exactly as in the picture below.

3) Fold the other end, exactly as before

4) Turn it now ....
What a coincidence!

A simple geometric fold a $ 20 dollar bill unveiled a catastrophe, to see to all of the $ 20 bills !!!


Iike this was not enough, this is what you saw:

First, the Pentagon on fire ... ..
Then the Twin Towers And look here .. !!

Three casual disasters on a single $ 20 dollar bill?
Ramp 1 (Pentagon)
Ramp 2 (Twin Towers)
Ramp 3 (Osama) ???

It gets even better: 9 + 11 = $ 20 !! (9/11 = nine September the day of the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon)

Scary huh?

The connection between Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy (American historical mysteries and coincidences)

Everyone knows the two US presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. They served America from the first position. Yet there is something quite mysterious how these presidents have died. Indeed, there are plenty of strange coincidences that you would not suspect at first sight, but after reading these comparisons you surely will be surprised by the number of similarities. Just like they they did it on purpose.

Abraham Lincoln was elected as first President in 1860.
John F. Kennedy was elected as first President in 1960.

Both were very worried especially civil rights.
Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.

Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.
Both Presidents were shot in the head.

Now it gets really weird.

Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy.
Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln.

Both were assassinated by Southerners.
Both of the Southerners named Johnson.

Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.
Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.

John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939.

Both assassins were known by their three names.
Both names are composed of 15 letters

Hold on now.

Lincoln was shot at the theater named 'Ford' Kennedy was assassinated in a car brand Lincoln, made by 'Ford' Lincoln was shot in a theater and his assassin ran to a warehouse to hide there.

Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and his assassin ran and hide in a theater.

Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.

And here's the kicker ....

1 week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe, Maryland.
1 week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe.

View old websites with

Did you ever wonder how the first websites looked like?

Well there are websites that archive all the websites. They store all the a history changes. This way you can see how websites where updated. is such a website that counts many websites with their history. They take you back in history with their so called Wayback machine.

You definitely need to check out this website if you want to see some nostalgic.

The first humans on earth

The first people on earth were ape-men who roamed, robbed of nature, hunters and food gatherers. There are many traces and remains of these wanderers found on the earth. We can form a picture of how they used to live.

Data and historical milestones of the first people on earth
6 million years BC > First man
3 million years BC > Wanderers
100 thousand years BC > The man of Spy
60 thousand years BC > Homo Sapiens
40 thousand years BC > Stone tools and weapons
7500 years BC > Sophisticated tools (polishing of stone)
350 years BC > Cro-Magnon

Weapons and tools
All tools and weapons came directly from nature. Many of the tools first used consist of wood or carved stone. However, bones, tendons, skin and hair were also used to make tools. Silex stones were worked into yielding spearheads and a deer antler served for a variety of tools.
Some items that often appear in numerous excavations are: clubs, hand axes, spears, scrapers, knives, ropes, hooks, spades and more.

The people discovered fire. It was very important because they could grill food, they could heat up and defend their self.

Spears and knives were used during the hunt. But also pits and barriers were used to catch wild animals. During the chase they made sure that they were against the wind, so the animals could not smell them. They also disguised themselves with reindeer skins so to get as close to their prey as possible without the animals were shocked by their presence. Animal furs were worn with the fur inside.

For fishing they used spears with barbs so the fish hung on the spear.

The main tasks of the women
They mainly gathered fruits, were catching fish, bird nest robbing, digging roots, tanning animal skins, making baskets of woven reeds ... But they also take care of the newborn babies and children.

The main tasks of the men
They went hunting on small and large animals. They had to defend their tribe against other tribes or dangerous wild animals.

Living among the first people
The first people did not live long in the same place. As soon as the food was run out in a particular area, they moved on to a more nutrient-rich area. They moved around from one area to another. They lived in tents sails of animal-skins, hides in caves or huts made ​​of branches, skins or straw. They never lived far from a river or pond so they could easily get to water.

The first people wore clothes of pelts and skins of animals. Women also tanned animal skins to have a nice soft supple skin.

Living in group
The first people have always lived in small herds or groups, also called a stem with a chieftain. The more people in a group the better they could hunt and defend. Living in a small group has also the advantage that the food they consumed in their habitat run out quickly.

The first people traded with other tribes, for example, exchange flint against animal skins or food.

The animals at the time of the first people
Most of the animals we know today also occurred during their period. There were reindeer, bears, wild horses, chamois, wolves, bison ... But also the extinct mammoth took part of their world. These have been extinct for years. Many of the animals that lived during that period of time looked a little different than we know them now. In all these years, these also evolved like the humans did. Although they are not as evolved as the almighty humans.

The first people believed in natural forces who offered them as Gods.
They drawn and paints on stones and rock ​​to obtain the power over animals and to obtain more insight into the hunt, I think of the tactics to lure a herd of animals into a trap.
They gave sacrifices to protect themselves from evil phenomena or to favorably the Gods.
They buried their dead carefully. Many of these tribes believed in the afterlife.
Plenty of great artistic stones where mint to be graves:
- Menhirs: large upright stones
- Dolmens: large stones serve two smaller stones are

Amazon river facts: dimensions, history and wildlife

The Amazon River flows mostly through the Amazon rainforest and the Amazon basin. A beautiful piece of unspoiled nature located in South America, known for its dense forests and unique flora and fauna.

Amazon River in dimensions
The Amazon is the second longest river in the world. But it counts the most water, about 2% of all natural fresh water in the world.

The river rises at 5200 meters altitude in the snow of the Andes Mountains, more specifically, a glacier in Peru, some 190 km from the Pacific Ocean. Unlike many other rivers, the Amazon river choose for the longest possible path of 6516 km with hundreds snaked s-curves. With its 6516 km, the Amazon River is about two times longer than the Mississippi River and five times longer than the Rhine. To give you an idea of ​​its enormous length: this is approximately the distance from Berlin to New York.

From tributaries to the Atlantic
The Amazon has also other names such as: the Maranon. The river is joined by dozens of other rivers, including the Ucayali, so it enters Brazil. If the Amazon reached the Atlantic Ocean then the water of more than 1100 tributaries has been drained. If the Amazon reaches the coast, over more than 200000 cubic meters water come in to the Atlantic Ocean every second.
Over millions of years the water have trenched the ocean floor for about hundreds of kilometers in length. This is indicated by the yellow color that contrasts in a sharply degree with the blue color of the ocean. This freshwater streams from the coast some 320 kilometers away into the ocean.

The animal kingdom in and around the Amazon river
There live crocodiles, leopards, monkeys, exotic birds such as parrots and numerous of dangerous insects in and around the Amazon river. The water contains about 30 times more fish than in all European rivers together.

In particular, we have the pink river dolphins, they swim in the main river during the rainy season. So they swim and hunt in groups among the trees.

When the conquistador Francisco de Orellana in 1541, with his hundred men in his ship discharged, the winding Amazon River, he thought that the warriors that has poisoned his soldiers by bombard them with poisoned arrows, were women.
In the travelogue they were called 'Amazons' so the river became its name.

A bit of history and facts about the Amazon forest; the green lung of the world. Everyone should protect this unique piece of nature. And hopefully, our children and grandchildren can do this too.

Lost cultures and extinct races

In the history of mankind, many different races and cultures arise which are now no longer. But they have contributed to what humanity is. Sometimes there are peoples and civilizations that were very cultivated in their time. They where supreme, but almost nothing can be found about this civilizations.

Homo Erectus

Homo Habilis

Homo Sapiens

The Neanderthal















Smurf'd 3D coming soon (2011) - Official Movie Trailer

The Smurf's are back... in a stunning 3D movie! A smurf's adventure for young and old. The smurfs are showing their history trough places like the old Egypt's to finally end up in the modern New York City. The cartoons will come alive and everybody will be Smurf'd in 2011.

Watch the Official Movie Trailer here:

Smurf'd 3D (2011). A film by Sony Pictures Animation and Columbia Pictures.
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